Facial Nerve

Facial Paralysis, Bell’s Palsy, and Synkinesis:

Rebuilding Function and Confidence

Facial paralysis/palsy can occur due to a variety of conditions, and it impacts the facial muscles’ ability to function properly, leading to facial asymmetry and loss of expression. Whether due to Bell’s Palsy, trauma, surgery, or other medical conditions, this condition can cause both functional and emotional challenges for those affected.

Dr. Ziai is specialized in treating facial nerve disorders and associated conditions such as synkinesis. His philosophy is centered on enhancing the overall quality of life by restoring the facial function and achieving a harmonious balance in facial appearance.

Services: Botox ® injection; Static procedures such as slings • implants • Eyelid Weight • Nerve grafting • Myectomy • Selective Neurectomy • Muscle transfer procedures such as Gracilis muscle transfer


Restoring Normal Facial Movements

Synkinesis is a condition that can arise after facial nerve injury, including Bell’s Palsy. It occurs as a result of aberrant regeneration of the facial nerve, causing involuntary muscle movements in response to voluntary actions. Under normal conditions, each facial muscle responds independently to the brain’s signals, allowing for smooth, coordinated expressions. However, with synkinesis, the nerve pathways responsible for controlling different facial muscles get confused, leading to unwanted, simultaneous movements. For example, a person may experience their eye closing when they smile or their mouth twitching when raising an eyebrow.

Managing synkinesis often requires a multifaceted approach that include physical therapy, Botox injections, and surgical interventions in more severe cases.

At our practice, we offer the latest, most effective treatments for complex facial nerve issues. If you are experiencing symptoms of synkinesis, it is essential to seek the help of a qualified facial plastic surgeon with experience in facial nerve disorders. Early intervention can significantly improve outcomes and reduce the impact synkinesis has on the quality of life.